18 Jun
Interview with ACROSTIC


We had a conversation with Pelao Attack (Bass/Vocals). Enjoy! 

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
Dear Stavros, it's been a long time, and I deeply appreciate your kindness and your celerity to get in touch and allow us to take back contact with you. Thank you my friend.

The last time we talked was 4 years ago. You have recently released your new full length studio album "Cosmo(A)gonia". Tell us a few things about this project.
"Cosmo(a)gonía" has been a long time project; it took us almost 4 years working, to come to an end with it. There were many different reasons why this process took so long, and for a while I really thought we couldn't make it, but we did. And since the label Three Metal Forces uploaded the album digitally on may 18th, the response has been so good. So I foresee a good horizon for many things to come.

The cover artwork has a great atmosphere! Tell us a few things about it.
It's nice you like it. It's name is "Technobhavacakra" (pronounced [tek.no.tʃa.kɾa]) which means sort of "the wheel of the technological course". As some people may realize, this collage is a whole technological order over a traditional tibetan Bhavacacka, which suggests a transition of technology from our material reality into the invisible world. There are people such us Dmitri Itzkov who are very interested into the idea of "spiritual machines''. This collage is mostly a manifesto of that idea. The author of this collage, and from the whole album art is C.M, which are the initials of myself.

What about the lyrics of the new album?
The whole album is centered in a tale, about a soul arriving in our days; the days of the Iron Age (in terms of Herodoto) or the Kali Yuga in perspective of the Vedic Tradition.  The tale is about the transit of this soul, incarnated in a human being, that walks through different aspects of the technological paradigma (incarnation, cyberpunk life, military, transhumanism, materialistic science development, oversized megalopolis) until the whole self destruction of earth and the consecutive arrival of a new terrenal Golden Era, not properly spiritual; some kind of new Eden on earth. The lyrics are mostly influenced by Fulcaneli`s "Finis Gloriae Mundi '' book, and the two last chapters from Fulcaneli`s "Dwellings of the Philosophers". Also, Evola`s works "Revolt against the modern world" and "Ride the tiger" were essential for the conception of the lyrics. Chilean book "El Ángel y el Brujo" by Dr. David Navarro Cavalini was a reference in the early days, back in 2018, when I started working on the main chords of "Descenso en fractal/Encarnación".

How did your cooperation with Three Metal Forces Records occur?
I have known Mauro from Three Metal Forces for a long time and respect has always been mutual. We came across a concert with Mauro a couple of months ago, and i told him about the process of finishing the album we were crossing those days. We had a couple of conversations when the record was done, Mauro listened to it and offered us a deal which we considered good and fair. Plus, I need to say that Mauro always showed himself attentive and very quick to this process, so we feel very thankful for what he has done. 

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
I would say that the recording experience always has something fun to remember. We laugh while doing the recording from the percussion for the song “La Era Dorada” (“The Golden Era”). We had the chance to invite our friend Felipe Morros (amazing music and amazing drummer), and I remember that session, maybe because that song changed a lot since then. Later, Mati Irles recorded the piano and Diegoat Silva recorded the quena, and the song got complete. That was the last recording session, and that felt very comfortable.  Live shows are always amazing, Noisethrashers vibe and people get involved. Last show was in Rancagua, the city where I was born. That meant a lot to me (I left Rancagua in 1995 and came to the city where I live since then). That was a strong show. 

The last 4 years we have faced many dark, strange & new situations with our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) worldwide. Did this situation affect you, positively or negatively?
Well, the record took very long, and many of those reasons had to do with the lockdown; Everything became harder to do, and that situation forced us to incorporate a system of work we never tried, which is recording at home and doing a more dedicated pre-production. What I save as a positive thing about that time would be the chance to get lost from the world and reflect alone. I spent those days mostly only with my wife and my daughter, so it gave me time to think deeply in how to order the album, what would be its structure, and most of the general aspects of it. Later we made the band work and developed the ideas and got them stronger and of course, better played by each one. 

What shall we expect from ACROSTIC in the near future?
Playing live on this new album, taking our music to new places and people and hoping to release more new editions outside. Stay tuned for the CD version available this next august. 

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours
Thank you very much dear Stavros for the chance to tell your readers about this new album. Thank you for your long time support, Hail Filthy Dogs of Metal!! NOISETHRASH ATTACK FROM SOUTH AMERICA, CHILE.

By Steve the Filthy Dog.







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