05 Jan
Interview with CATHEXIS


Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about CATHEXIS (Members, Starting Year etc).
Cathexis is a solo project by me (Neuromancer) which started this year (2024).

You have recently released your demo ''Demo 2024...''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
I just dropped the demo two days ago and so far, the response has been overwhelming. I started this project with a few friends a while back but because of conflicting schedules and constant line-up changes we decided to give up. After a few months went by I thought why not record the songs at home as a solo project so it didn’t feel like such a waste of time. I did not expect much from it I just wanted to put it out there and move on.

Label or DIY and why?
To me, Punk and Metal are most authentic and effective when they embody a DIY ethos. This demo was technically released on a label (Roachleg Records) but I know the label operates in a very DIY way. I trust their judgement and their practices because they are my friends, so it was kind of the best of both worlds.  

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
Honestly, no. I wish there was, but I have never toured or played a show with this project. Hopefully I will in the future though.

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
Vinyl is my favorite format. I love cassettes too, but they can be annoying sometimes. I always break the cases and the art is so small.

Your music style is Black/Speed MetalPunk. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
I take influence from all kinds of music. Metal, Punk, Post-Punk, Goth, World Music… For Cathexis I chose to focus on Japanese punk and Eastern European Metal but with a vocal style more influenced by Black Metal artists. A few main influences for this demo were GISM and Tormentor.

Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band? 
I have sacrificed a lot for music. I tour with one of my other bands often and I have to take time off of school and work all the time to make that possible. Sometimes it can be exhausting but it seems like that is the only way to get your music out there these days unless you make it big on the internet or something. 

Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
My ideal show is simply to play to people that want to be there and actually appreciate what you’re doing. On the same tour I have played to crowds of over a thousand one night then played to crowds of 20 the next. The biggest thing for me is the energy. When you are playing a gig and you notice people are there who know your lyrics, want to dance, or buy merch from you, that is what makes it worth it. 

What attributes do you think that a new Black/Speed Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique? 
I think a true passion for the music you’re playing is most important. In other words, not just a desire to get recognition or hype from others but a sincere desire to make something that expresses who you are.  A clear direction and a few influences that aren’t typical genre staples is also important.

Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Black/Speed Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
Definitely. I do wish people would materially support bands more sometimes, but online platforms help spread the word, especially for projects like Cathexis that are not playing live shows or touring. 

Do you see any differences between the US Metal Market & the EU Metal Market (Labels, Bands, Fans etc)? 
Metal in the US and Europe seems more similar to me than punk. One major difference in both scenes is the blunt criticisms or reactions show attendees will give to the bands in places like Germany. Most of my friends who come back from European tours have many stories to tell about the people who come up to the merch table after the gig and tell them what they did wrong or why they didn’t like their set… then they will buy every piece of merch on the table though so you can only laugh.

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in New York (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.) 
The scene here seems bigger than it has been for a long time. There are so many good up and coming bands right now and the shows have been sick. Both Metal and Punk are thriving in Brooklyn. Savage Pleasure, Black Hurst, Crucifixation, World Disorder are just a few of my favorite bands releasing extreme and brutal records this year in and around NYC. 

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
Yes, Hellenic Black Metal is one of my favorite genres. Rotting Christ, Varathron and Zemial are some of the best and have influenced me a lot. I saw Varathron last time the played here in Brooklyn and it was incredible.

In the last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange, and new situations in our everyday lives (covid, lockdown, etc.). Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
COVID lock down sucked for me. I live in a small apartment with a lot of roommates. It was torture. But it pushed me to learn a lot of new things and make big life changes, so I guess that’s the silver lining of a world disaster.

What are your future plans?
I have a few other projects I am working on, namely an LP for another black metal project I am part of called Tendril. I have plans to release an LP for that band next year. The record is almost done and when it is, I will consider writing a record for Cathexis if interest continues.

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Thank you.

By Steve the Filthy Dog.



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