26 Jun
Interview with GUDERRHA


Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Hello Gianluca! How came up with the idea to start GUDDERHA.
GIANLUCA: The idea was born from the passion that has always accompanied me for death metal and in particular that which marked my youth in the early 90s . Also our devotion to a certain ancient horror cinema and the decision to call the band with a name from our local dialect comes from the fact that the word itself sounds more evil and sinister to us (guderrha/entrails).

You have recently released your demo ''Demo 2024''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
GIANLUCA: At the moment any analysis seems absolutely premature to me as the demo has just been out for a week, we are curious and confidently await the reviews that will arrive, encouraging words seem to come from the first comments

Tell us a few things about the lyrics and who is the main composer of your songs.
GIANLUCA: The lyrics reflect my sulphurous visions of skulls and bodies in an aseptic and colorless scenario, without humanity, the images of bodies wrapped and digested in a gut on the front cover of the demo recalls this vision. The compositional part regarding the main riffs is mine, but everything is adjusted and refined in the rehearsal room with Simone and Eugenio.

Do you have a record deal proposal yet, or are you going to search for it?
GIANLUCA: Something like that , but prefer not reveal still , we prefer to focus on promoting the demo and composing other songs to have a minimum live set ready.

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings that you would like to share with us?
EUGENIO: Probably when during the recordings Glk asked Luciano to lengthen some vowels at the end of some sentences. At that point there were the three of us in the room laughing watching Glk asking Luciano to try again to make them longer and longer, and on the other hand Luciano mumbled strange words against God hahahah...

Your music style is Death Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
EUGENIO: Each of us has different tastes but we definitely agree on Death metal old school. The main composer is Glk, and I can say that what he writes is a mix of his listening, passing through very groove and rhythmic music, to colder and colder sounds. Guderrha have an eye to the past trying to maintain the spontaneity of the genre revised in a current form.

The last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange & new situations in our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
EUGENIO: The band materialized at the end of the pandemic. Even though it may seem obvious, that period certainly made us realize that playing in a band, recording and playing your songs, or just spending an evening with your friends, is more fun and stimulating than spending time in front of the tv, or worse still, in front of a screen without building anything.

What shall we expect from GUDDERHA in the near future?
GIANLUCA: We are composing new stuff and hope to back in studio for the end of the year , probably a full album for 2025 , that's the intention!

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
GIANLUCA: We wanna thanx you for this unexpected interest in our band. We hope we have intrigued the readers of FILTHY DOGS OF METAL. Follow us on our
 bandcamp FB page for next news \w/

By Steve the Filthy Dog.

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