03 Jan
Interview with GURKKHAS


We had a conversation with JF (Vocals). Enjoy!

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
Hello And many thx for this interview, the first from Greece for us, since we are back !.

The history of GURKKHAS started back in 1999. Which are your memories from these days and which were your main influences back then?
Well, we have played a lot over Europe, put out 2 CDs ….met a lot of Nice people , the Death scene was a bit different than nowadays…and when I look back I think that it has been a disaster to stop. Anyway, life is life and now we are back. We are into the Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Entombed vein….something “like” this …

With which bands did you play live concerts between 1999 and 2003? How was the situation between the bands in French Death Metal scene back then? 
There is so so many bands we have share the stage with like Sinister, Kokhra, Therion Krabathor, Vader….

You have cooperated with two record labels in the past. Do you have any funny, bitter, or weird story that you like to share with our readers?
Well, to be honest, nothing like this…or maybe the fact that we have never got any Royalties on any CDs sold ? haha like tons of bands I guess, this is rock ’n roll anyway, let’s hope that it will be different for the 3d CD, and help to tour and play a lot then .

What happened to the band and you split-up in 2003?
Our guitarist wanted to end, and we have never found a so good one , then we have preferred to stop everything.

How did your cooperation with Great Dane Records occur? What do you prefer most, Label or DIY and why?
G.D is a good small record company. They do quiet a qood promo – work for us for this CD. I don’t know if we will stay with them for the next one but at the moment it is ok. Raphael, the boss is a very cool and active guy in the Metal scene there . We have now with them an honest distribution, and when we think that the band has been sleeping during 20 years (!!) then I can say that “all is ok”. You know, we have been signed with a BIG rec company (Massacre recs) and…no Tour support, no help. After this We have been signed with Morbid recs, played a lot but the band has split…. So I guess that a label like Morbid would be good for us again .

You have recently released your compilation album ''A Life Of Suffering''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
Well, we have been very very surprised to see how the Hell the audience for it has been killer . the reviews are excellent, and we do more an more interviews. To be honest I couldn’t expect a so good audience for our “ come back”. This is so nice .

Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?
We are ready to sacrifice everything, but at different levels I think….by my side I have stopped my studies for Gurkkhas (master in History) and what I did was all for the band but I also respect all the guys that work and play the band besides, we each have so different lives you know…. I mean that I think that a minimum of sacrifices are required if your goal is to record CDs and to tour.

Do you see any differences in today's Metal music business in comparison with the Music business back in the early '00s?
Yes I see one and for me the most important one…THE ORGANISATION globally speaking. Management, press medias, tour operators, well, now each band is nearly acting like pro-ones. Also there is one thing that has changed, the fact that there is a lot of festivals everywhere …..and of course with the social medias all goes faster .

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
I have visited Greece three times in my Life . But never with a band. Septic Flesh, Rotting Christ, Nightfall, Horrified, Dead Congregation…and if someone want to make us come to your so beautiful country we will come with pleasure! .

What are your future plans?
To find a new bass player, to record the CD, to play many festivals, and after this to think about touring in Europe and abroad, because we have got an offer to go to Mexico for the third CD…let’s talk about this when this one will be out , héhé .

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Man, it’s my turn to thank you, really, and hello to all of you from the Greek scene, try to hear our brutal Death metal band Gurkkhas and say me our opinion 🙂….All the best.

By Steve the Filthy Dog.



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