Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
Tell us a few things about PENDULVM (Members, Starting Year etc).
Hi! First of all, thanks a lot for this interview. Here is D. the one behind PENDULVM, Death/Doom metal one-man band from Antofagasta/Chile. The project starts at the second half of 2023 and the past DEC 10th i released the first EP “Llanos de Tumbas”. My lyrics are about death, sorrow, despair and spirits in pain... doom stuff.
You have recently released your EP ''Llanos de tumbas''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
The feedback has been better than I expected. A lot of good comments and people interested in buying the CD. The press has a good rhythm for a new band I think.
Label or DIY and why?
Personally, nowadays i prefer Label, because to be a DIY project you have to put a lot of energy, time and money, and I have not any of that. But I respect a lot the bands and projects that keep on the DIY spirit.
Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
Not really, I'm kind of boring haha. Maybe tell you that the drums of the song “Caballero Errante” was rec by “memory”, only metronome, without guitar track behind in one shot, because originally that song was not considered to be part of “Llanos de Tumbas” but in the very last moment i wanted to added.
Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
To be edited I prefer CD because it is more practical and universal, so more people would buy your work in physical form, but my beloved format always will be the TAPE. Vinyl is cool but I feel less practice to carry and manipulate.
Your music style is Death Doom Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
Disembowelment and his masterpiece "Transcendence into Peripheral" is the album that blew my mind in the genre, all the textures and harmony mixed with dragged rhythms and growls was a before and after for me. Also with "The Rack" of Asphyx i felt the cold and raw way to play gloomy death metal. Finally I could mention Winter’s Eternal Frost EP, i like it more than Into Darkness because it is raw and more angry. There are a lot more but, that 3 bands and works are my principle influences to make death doom metal.
Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
Time for creating, practicing, rehearsal, moving to gigs, making contacts, sending messages, promoting your work, etc. Money for your instruments, rehearsal rooms, gasoline to move, and also to promote your work, recording and self release your demos and merch.
Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
My ideal show must have a good backline and sound, respect of times for each band, people supporting in the crowd and buying merch. Now less serious, it is great to play in a nasty, small and dark place, filled with smoke in the air, maybe with some fights but nothing so serious and enough beer to drink before, during and after the show.
What attributes do you think that a new Death/Doom Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
I think that they (we) have to risk working in new topics, not so far for darkness and death obviously, but for me the bands that show other aspects that break the typical, without losing the identity of the genre, are the ones who it seems unique for me.
Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Death/Doom Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
I think that we have to adapt to the new forms of communication. Decades ago was by letter, later by email, today is by social media, so I think that using the tools that new media give to us is helpful to promote our bands, independent of the genre. I like bandcamp a lot, it helps a lot to connect your music with people from far places and get direct support from listeners. On the other hand, I think that the underground never has to lose their traditions, like trade, zines, labels and distros. One thing does not have to quit another.
Do you see any differences between the Chilean Metal Market & the EU Metal Market (Labels, Bands, Fans etc)?
I think the Chilean metal scene has nothing to envy the EU or USA’s one, in terms of underground obviously. There are a lot of bands and labels that take this seriously and work at a very professional level, in any province of Chile, not only in the capital (Santiago). If we talk about commercial terms, the Chilean market is far (so far) from the EU or USA market, not for quality but Chile don’t really produce their musicians, and those who have a certain commercial success outside are the less.
Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Chile (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.).
There are a lot of great bands in the scene, to name some Sepulcrum, Sporae Autem Yuggoth, Invocation, Blood Oath, Demoniac, Mortajas, Rotten Tomb. Fanzines to name some, Derrame de Odio, from mi city, always support my past and actual work, Proglotida Gravida is great, focusing on putrid death metal. Sendero Funebre is a young fanzine that is close to releasing their second number. Labels as Kuyen prods, Burning Coffins, Three metal Force are making a great job. And obviously I have to mention Manifectation Prods, the only label from Chile that support only doom metal bands, a great friend of mine and a very honest person.
Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
Not so much except for the most known as Rotting Christ, Varathron and the almighty DEAD CONGREGATION.
In the last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange, and new situations in our everyday lives (covid, lockdown, etc.). Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
Yes, it helps me to break my mind and have a lot of negative thoughts that I later transform into songs. Now more seriously, in a general way I think that push bands and musicians to search new forms to show their work, that nowadays, without lockdown, it stands.
What are your future plans?
I'm now working on new songs, i'm thinking on a LP for the beginning of 2026 and i want to keep promoting “Llanos de Tumbas” by 2025. Also, there are conversations of another CD edition of “Llanos de Tumbas” from an outside label (nothing announced yet, but soon) and maybe search for another label who could be interested in a tape edition.
Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Thanks Filthy Dogs for this space and the interest. You can find my music and CD on: https://pendulvm.bandcamp.com/
Cheers to all the bands and listeners of dragged and primitive doom metal.
By Steve the Filthy Dog.