Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
The history of PRAGA started back in 2011. Which are your memories from these days and which were your main influences back then?
First of all, thank you! It's a pleasure to be in this fucking space! As for Praga, it was a project conceived by myself and the former vocalist, Yuri Opositor, who left the band in mid-2017. Back in 2011, we started composing some lyrics and riffs, with the intention of being a raw and extremely profane Black Metal band that would bring essence to its lyrics. After a rehearsal by Thrashera, who are great allies, drummer Surtur Impürus and then bassist Bode de Sade join and seal the diabolical pact, which led us to a unique style, with elements of 80s Black Metal, an 80s thrash metal vibe, and very cadenced punk/hardcore style grooves. Our sound remained and we matured the band's identity as a band that carries freedom as its ideology. In 2017, with Opositor's departure, there's a brief stint of Wolfer on vocals (between 2018 and 2019), in 2019 I take over vocals and guitars, and we remain a trio until 2021. In 2021, we decided to play with 2 guitars to add more weight and start incorporating more complexity into the compositions, so Bode de Sade moves to guitar and Wolfer takes over bass, until 2025 when Wolfer left the band , and we turn again to the former power trio. Currently, we have an open schedule and are composing for the next full album, which we intend to release by mid-2025.
Who is the main writer of your songs & how do you get the inspiration to compose a song?
In the beginning, the lyrics were written by our vocalist, Opositor, and the melodies were made together by all the members. Currently, Aschmedai is responsible for the lyrics, and the melodies continue to be composed in the same way.
In 2021 you released your album "Fúria Regicida". What was the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
The audience feedback was excellent. Released by Murder Records, the few copies we received in Brazil were all sold out, and even today people look for us to try to buy this artifact. As for the press, it still resonates in underground zines. The album presents a harsh and primitive Black Metal, and it can be found on the band's Bandcamp. We intend to release a national version, licensed by Murder Records, on official CD."
How did your cooperation with Murder Records occur? What do you prefer most, Label or DIY and why?
The collaboration with Murder Records came from contact made with our great friend Alexandre Chakal, former vocalist of the band Thrashera and editor of underground zines. Having a label behind us is an added weight, especially one like Murder Records, already established in the underground, allowing our promotion to reach another level. We are also fans of DIY, but each work depends on the proposal to be adopted.
Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
Funny? I don't think so, just the issues that unfortunately happen to all underground bands, like producer rip-offs, terrible equipment for live performances, and so on. As for strange things, I believe that our sound has a dark and somber aura, which evokes ancestral energies that govern chaos. Thus, some events end up having extreme outcomes, such as a performance we did in northeastern Brazil where a woman stabbed a man after our show.
Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
All of Praga are old school adepts, everyone prefers the physical format, be it vinyl, cassette or CD. We believe that physical contact, hand to hand, is a way to share our art in a deeper way that reaches the core of the rotten human soul. However, we know and recognize the necessity of digital formats, as a way to promote more easily. However, it makes these relationships more fluid, and the companies behind the reproduction of the content profit while the bands have no financial return in this format.
Your music style is Black/Speed Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
I believe that each member has their own influence, which makes the plant have its unique sound, therefore it is important to emphasize that none of the members listens exclusively to extreme metal. However, as points of strong congruence of the members' influences we can highlight Impaled Nazarene, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Sarcófago, Venom, among others.
Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
I believe that working with the underground is a sacrifice in itself, keeping this flame alive is sacrificing because it is the very essence of the underground, to be the antithesis of the mainstream, not to surrender to being a simple product of commerce. Therefore, the maintenance of this own ecosystem within the capitalist system is already a sacrifice in itself. I believe that beyond the financial issue, all members of Praga sacrifice much of their time that could be dedicated to loved ones.
Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
So, there is no ideal, I believe that the presentation is unique and unrepeatable, it transfers to the stage all the energetic content of that moment of the individual. However, we take art very seriously, art as the ultimate expression of our contempt for Abrahamic religions and all the cursed dogmas that were imposed on our society, how the current system shapes humanity in order to reduce the individual to just a mere slave of the few who enjoy the work of these. Art goes far beyond sound, the sound is there in the recordings and can be heard at any time. The live does not, it transports the sphere of chaos, the dark awakening of the ancestral force that moves the breaking of chains and our own evolution. It is a moment of reflection, and rejoicing, as we enter into collective harmony, for individual ascension. It is a sacrifice in the form of an exchange of energies.
You have been an active band almost 14 years! Are there any changes in the band as well as in the Brazilian Metal Scene within all those years?
As I said before, we had the departure of the first vocalist, I took over the vocals, and we even played with two guitars and now we are back to being a trio. As for the Brazilian metal scene, we can see that the culture of art consumption has changed, the busy social dynamics end up leaving people without time and without deepening, which causes people to distance themselves. I believe that this is reflected in metal in a way that disperses people.
What attributes do you think that a new Black/Speed Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
I believe that the band should bring aspects that reflect their beliefs and values, they must be endowed with personality and not fall into provocations that lead to being just one trying to be ''famous'' but rather that the art comes from the soul.
Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Black/Speed Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
Like everything there are pros and cons. Digital platforms end up being a way to massify the dissemination, showing people the existence of several bands, and outside the reach, because it reaches millions of people (literally) at the same time from a single work, to put in the air. However, we know that producing art is costly, it costs dedication, study, creativity and money, and in the end, who gets the profit in these conditions is the platform that only directs the art. Well, then, we must think that using the platforms must be a means for people to reach your band, and then they buy the material, go to the shows, which ends up being where the bands can at least try to return their investment.
What does METAL means to you and tell to our readers 10 Metal releases that have ''entered'' your blood.
Metal is resistance against the imposition of dogmas, it is freedom to be whatever you want. As 10 releases that entered the blood, I can put the CDs: 1. Don't Break the Oath, from Mercyful Fate 2. Black Sabbath, from Black Sabbath 3. Necrodaemon Terrorsathan, from Belphegor 4. Into the depths to burn, from Zoltar 5. Old School Attack, from Diabolic Force 6. Latex Cult, from Impaled Nazarene 7. Transilvanian Hunger, from Darkthrone 8. Bloody Vengeance, from Vulcano 9. Skeptics Apocalypse, from Agent Steel 10. Painkiller, from Judas Priest.
Do you see any difference between the Brazilian Metal Market & the EU Metal Market (Labels, Bands, Fans etc)?
I don't know the European market very well, but what is very clear to us is the issue of cost and accessibility. The European market has much more access to event venues, material sales, including supplies and more factory options for materials.
Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Rio De Janeiro (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
We have few options for event houses here, currently a house totally dedicated to the underground is Garage Gridhouse. Other houses are emerging with good proposals, such as O Maquinário. I can mention the Inferninho bar that is located in the interior of the state and is very important for the scene, as it is focused only on extreme metal and its branches, they have a distro specialized in extreme metal. Most bands are still the same as 10, 15 years ago, but I notice that the new generations (people between 20 and 25 years old) are moving to create their bands. We have some very promising ones here. As for zines, the zine scene in Rio de Janeiro is quite stopped, we can highlight the Blasmorfose label together with the metal reunion that has made good releases. The zine scene in Rio de Janeiro is much more focused on punk rock. The Inferninho bar, through its Irmandade Hermética do Ódio distro, also produces many relevant zines.
Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
No, we know very little, just a few bands. But I believe that Greece must have many fucking bands! Rotting Christ is an example!
What are your future plans?
The current plans are to reissue the full album Fúria Regicida on CD, release the next full Nalbum if possible still in 2025 and go on tour.
Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work!
I am the one who greatly thanks Filthy Dogs for the space and for allowing us to talk a little about our work! I hope we still bump into each other in Greece! I thank Danihell from Murder Records for making this bridge and for the constant support! And mainly, I thank every insane and insane diabolical mind that is dedicating themselves to the damned black death metal! Whether playing, producing or watching, you are all essential! Access our instagram: @praga_bm and our bandcamp! https://pragablackmetal.bandcamp.com/ We are also on Spotify and several other platforms! Thanks! Infernal hails!
By Steve the Filthy Dog.
Praga insta https://www.instagram.com/praga_bm/
Blasmorfose insta https://www.instagram.com/blasmorfose/