09 Aug
Interview with VLTRA MAXIMAZER


We had a conversation with Maxima Mverte (Guitars/Vocals). Enjoy!

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about VLTRA MAXIMAZER (Members, Starting Year etc).
This hell started to take shape in February 2023 with Dorian (Hellcourier/Spirits) on drums, after I started playing guitar in September 2022, for different reasons Dorian didn't continue in the project and Nefastus (Emetophilia/Hateful Blood) joined the band in order to achieve the first official presentation in "Ultramaniac Night I" in April 2023, so we had few rehearsals to be able to unleash that chaos, Nefastus continued in the band for some months, he helped in complementing the structure of the songs until he had to leave the band for personal reasons in September of the same year, since we had a presentation pending in the Black Vomit 666 tour in Mexico City a month later, I asked for the help of a drummer who was interested and that's how Coatl (Helhest/Revolver/Al Rinach 333/Irillion) joined the band, he integrated his own style in the songs that were already done. Since then we have died by the sword of putrid metal.

Currently V.M. is:

You have recently released your demo ''Worship to the Eternal Black Hell! Demon MMXXIV''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
Mmm, the feedback I've heard and seen have been positive, apparently they liked the band, I really do this for me and the band, it's a way to show your anger to express yourself, I don't live off the feedback, but if someone else likes this for me it's really satisfying and I'm totally grateful to those insane people who care about this shit, and to those who don't, throw it away, burn it and fuck off, don't listen to anything for commitment. And from the press I can only say that there have been some proposals with friends that I hope will soon come out of the depths of hell.

Label or DIY and why? 
D.I.Y. totally, that keeps the essence of what you do, you fight to get what you want and it is reflected in the self-made formats, and nothing better than allying in conspiracy with your friends to be able to release a cassette, CD, buttons, t-shirts, etc. THAT'S WHAT THE UNDERGROUND IS ALL ABOUT! I think that with a label there should be a fair deal for both parties, although I don't like to be licking boots asking to the people to listen to my music or even worse, to be around saying that my music is the best you're going to listen to, go cry to your grandmother you fucking idiot!

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
We have always been under the influence of cheap alcohol so we have a great time when we are rehearsing, and even better when friends come to rehearsals, it's the best thing that can happen. Recently, at the concert we had in Bogota, a person came up to me and said "Hellrot is brutal, it was hell", I turns out he was confusing me with Tony (Hellrot), Tony and I were talking and I just said "It's him, not me" hahaha.

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
All formats are good depending on the context, but I have a hellish appreciation for cassettes, it's the format I like the most, but vinyl is also amazing. I find the structure of the cassette impressive, the case, the insert, even the static that it emits during a song, ARGHHH it's amazing! 

Your music style is Black/Thrash Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
I am huge fan of the speed metal and heavy metal, but the inspirations for Vltra Maximazer have been Sarcofago, Terrorhammer, Sadistik Execution, Deathhammer, Emetophilia, Spirits,Slaughter Messiah, Vltra Silvam, Helhest, Taphos, Bathory and so many more. In fact the name of the band comes from a Sadistik Execution song called “Ultra Maximizer of Agony”, when I heard it the name blew my mind, it seemed perfect to name the band like this.

Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
I think it totally depends on the context of each band and each member, personally I have put effort in my personal life and in the band, which has not been easy, but not impossible. In my opinion, Coatl is the one who has sacrificed the most in the band so far because he has traveled from Puebla to be able to rehearse, to be in the concerts, and to make this evilness continue in spite of also having a job on which he depends. Which I always thank him for. What you must sacrifice are the idiots who contribute nothing.

Describe your ideal live show as a performance band. Have you already experienced that?
The best live show would be one where someone commits suicide listening to us. We really enjoy playing and showing our rage to the audience at events, sharing the stage with bands of our interest and with friends will always be the best. Recently we had a mini tour in Colombia, in which Coatl could not participate, and it was Atollyon (Black Vomit 666) who helped me to perform that rite. It was a great experience to meet the maniacs from there, I really enjoyed being able to share the stage with crazy great bands. Do metal for passion not for fashion.

What attributes do you think that a new Black/Thrash Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
All bands are unique. Just don't try to copy other bands, you look pathetic, you must have attitude to do this, fuck the rest, make music because you like it and do it with passion.

Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Black/Thrash Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
Of course, digital platforms were created for bands to have a much wider reach around the world and for anyone to hear them in a faster and easier way. The underground relatively no longer exists because it is no longer the primitive way of finding bands through fanzines, sending letters, sharing records, cassettes, vinyls, etc. Times have changed, with the internet it’s very easy to find bands from around the world, however, there are people and bands that stay under the radar and try to keep the essence of the underground alive. Demons! So digital platforms help all bands in general that are looking for that worldwide distribution. The best way to promote your band is the way that best suits you and your ideals.

Do you see any differences between the Mexican Metal Market & the EU Metal Market (Labels, Bands, Fans etc)?
I could say yes, because in Mexico, or at least in my personal experience, the bands that I have lived with struggle to get what they have, there are bands that have the possibility to pay their expenses without any problem and that's fine. I have not been able to live the experience of seeing how the scene is in the U.S., I only believe that there are very well known record labels, which are monsters in the market. In Mexico there are only pages that are dedicated to the diffusion of the bands, and some promoters that make different activities to be able to give diffusion to the same ones, also there are fanzines, record labels that maintain the soul of the underground, etc. Here you need to work harder to stand out, or have money and stand out fast. hahaha But that is not the ideology of V.M., we want to grow organically, this will get to where it has to get.

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Mexico (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
The Mexican scene has a lot of different genres from different parts of the country, I like that they have suffered to be what they are today. Many bands have come back wilder than ever and there have been emerging many bands of different styles that have caught my attention in the last years like Viölent Hëx, Lucifer's Trail, Härdrocker, Hellrot, Helhest, Piquerism, Rënz, Thunderslave, Freeroad, Night Load, Blast, Poison Angel, Emetophilia, Nocturnal Ripper, Necroneutron, Fumes, Old Crucifix, Necrohammer, Cöuntess, Savage Aggressor, Interceptörrrs, Hellmidian, Phantom, and many more. There are also those who are dedicated to spread and realization of events to drink to death as Heavy Metal Tyrants, Abolition Productions, Serpent Souls, Sentence In Hellfire Records, Härdrocker Productions, Ghooric Fanzine, Mutilador Fanzine, etc..  Some places that have opened their doors to us to hold events have witnessed the chaos and our alcoholism, but now there are few places that allow degeneracy due to the law, fuck them.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
There are some bands that fascinate me like Slaughtered Priest!, CHAINSAW ARGHHH!, Principality of Hell, Diavolos, Ravencult, Satan's Wrath, the mighty Necromantia, etc.

The last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange & new situations in our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
It only reinforced the idea that he wanted to create a band, because in itself it did not affect anything related to the band, since it was created after the confinement.

What are your future plans?
We want to strive to make an album and continue to create chaos with evil, as well as release more copies of the demo and let whoever wants to listen to it hear it. Hopefully there will be more concerts and be able to share with the maniacs that die for this shit, there is a lot of alcohol to drink. Don't stop the insanity!

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
I appreciate that there has been an interest on your part, thank you very much for this fucking space and being able to say shit. For all those idiots who think they should be on everyone's lips, I hope they get run over, there is nothing worse than wanting to be superior to others. Make music with passion not for fashion. Expect the worst, a horrible cover, horrible music, horrible noise, and a horrible death!


By Steve the Filthy Dog.





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