19 Aug
Interview with WARLUST


Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about WARLUST (Members, Starting Year etc).
Necromancer: Hello there, and thank you! We are a blackened death metal band from Germany, spawned into existence in the year 2012. We have always had four members: Warmachine on drums, Nuctemeron on bass guitar, Aeon on guitar, and myself, Necromancer, on guitar and vocals. We have released two albums so far, and we are set to release our third album on September 27th this fall via Dying Victims Productions.

You are going to release your new album ''Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae''. Tell us a few things about this project.
Aeon: Definitely the most ambitious work we have ever done as musicians, we felt the lowest lows and the highest highs throughout the last months but looking at the result, we took the right risks. We recorded it in the notorious Rurpott Area, in the Hellforge Studios, commanded by Marco Brinkmann, who really helped us reaching new heights. And I think the result speaks for itself.

Necromancer: It is a record we worked really hard on over the past five years since we recorded our last album, Unearthing Shattered Philosophies. I am very proud of it because it contains different styles of metal, and I think it’s very creative in the way the songs are written. It sharpens our developed sound and is not just some kind of worship thing. You can hear our influences, and while we are surely not redefining the metal genre, I think each song on it has its own soul. When I look back 10 years ago, when we were much younger, we were not as open-minded, experienced, or versatile in our songwriting like I think we are nowadays. But I guess this is just a normal process for a band to grow. It's important for me to never lose our actual roots, nevertheless. I think we did a great job on it, and that is the most important thing for us while creating a new record.

The cover artwork has a great atmosphere! Tell us a few things about it.
Aeon: The Album cover was done by a great Artist named Gravebastard. It is a mixture of the self-devouring snake, also known as Ouroborus, known from ancient gnosticism and/or alchemy, representing Death and rebirth, basically the cycle of life -A process we, as band, went through whilst creating this Album- but it can also be seen as a gordion knot, hence the swords trying to sever it, as each Sword represents each individual in this band. So it can be seen as the constant battle that an individual or a collective encounters whilst facing the task of creating something of value, something that transcends you as your feet remain stuck to the earth. And Rest assured, scars are to be seen after such a Task.

And what about the lyrics?
There are many themes and thoughts woven into this work, too many for one interview to look further into. But, as the album title already suggests, we integrated some metaphysics into the lyrics, in this case presented as Satan, or an EGREGORE if you like, summoned by you and me. But other than that, there are many sources that found their way into this storyline, most notably the works of Nietzsche, Camus, Bukowski... but also general subjects like Change, pessimism or historic events.

How did your cooperation with Dying Victims Productions occur?
Necromancer: Dying Victims Productions is one of the most amazing labels in Germany, and I think in the worldwide underground metal scene nowadays. Last week, I read that even Fenriz from Darkthrone loves and appreciates it, so that has to mean something, hehe. Working with Dying Victims Productions is very professional; the communication and promotion are excellent, and the conditions for the bands are very fair. Playing the label's very own Dying Victims Attack Festival this spring was a highlight for us. The hospitality and organization were great. I can recommend this festival as one of the best indoor festivals in Germany and probably Europe right now.

Aeon: I can only agree with Necromancer on this subject, Flo from Dying Victims helped us after we were left alone and disappointed by our former label. We are very thankful for the work he invested in us. 

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings or from your live shows that you would like to share with us?
Necromancer: For sure, there are countless stories. But we don’t want to distress anyone, haha. Maybe we will meet someday in Greece, and then I will share some stories with you!

Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
Necromancer: That is a very hard question to answer because we have so many influences. All of us listen to a lot of music and a lot of different styles. As I mentioned earlier, we do not want to copy a certain type of music or band—the world does not need another Motörhead, Venom, or Bathory tribute band. For sure, these are influences as well, but we try to create our own sound. To mention some of our favorite black, death, and thrash bands, I would say Dissection, the Scandinavian black and death metal bands generally, Slayer for sure, Deströyer 666 and the Australian scene, Teutonic bands like Sodom, Kreator, and Desaster, and also some newer German bands from the black thrash wave of the 2010s.

Aeon: I can only add some personal favourites which definitely shaped my style of playing. Most notably: Death, Deathspell Omega, Emperor, and many more...

Which things do you think a band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future for your band?
Aeon: That is an interesting question, of course there are the obvious answers like time and money but it surely goes deeper for us and anyone else sworen to the extreme arts. Like mentioned a few questions before the process of creating such an ambitious Project leaves its marks and changes you as a person and maybe the relation you have to certain human beings, as your bond can grow stronger through such an experience but also vice-versa. In a nutshell, you sacrifice your former self, you sacrifice your ego. I leave it to you, if you consider this positive or negative. Surely, there are enough persons who disagree with this point of view, but for me there is no other way to experience this limitless art, but through sacrifice and hard work.

What attributes do you think that a new Black/Thrash Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
Necromancer: That is a hard question. I think gaining your own identity as a band and creating a unique sound is a developmental process over the years. We all have our idols, and when you are young, you just wish to be like them. But you have to detach and, as I said earlier, become more open-minded without losing your roots. Then, you’ll find your sound.

Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Black/Thrash Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a band to promote its work?
Necromancer: Digital platforms are a great way to distribute new music, but they can also be a curse because society has become more fast-paced in general. This includes how people listen to music. Social media, streaming platforms, and YouTube can be very useful tools for publishing and distributing new music. However, you have to learn how to use them effectively and stand out in the mass of bands and records nowadays. Fortunately, the metal scene is loyal and still values collecting and buying CDs, vinyl, and merchandise.

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Germany (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
Necromancer: The German underground metal scene is still very much alive and thriving. We have tons of clubs, bands, festivals, and labels. I consider the German scene one of the strongest in the world, but it would be great to get more young people into metal again. In some regions, like the infamous Ruhr area, there are a lot of young people getting into metal music, but this is the exception. A few weeks ago, I went to a small festival where bands like Necrophobic and Indian Nightmare were playing, and when I looked around, I felt like I was the youngest person there, and I am around 30 years old. It felt a bit weird, but I hope this will change in the future.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
Necromancer: I enjoyed Greece very much on vacation multiple times, and I love Hellenic bands like Acherontas, Zemial, Rotting Christ, and Ravencult. Unfortunately, I have never attended a concert or festival in Greece. It would be a pleasure to change that—or even better, to play in Greece one day! Maybe you can arrange something!

The last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange & new situations in our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
Aeon: Confusing times for sure, Looking back I am not quite sure what happened there but we surely don't want to get into politics here. In an interesting way it had a positive effect on me, since it was a time that kinda felt decelerated, like the face-paced Society did not have you by the throat, a good time to reflect yourself.

Necromancer: For sure, I think everyone with a clear mind is affected by these situations, and honestly, not in a very positive way. Especially as musicians and concertgoers, COVID and the lockdowns were a hard time, but nothing compared to wars like the one in Ukraine, for example. Our last album came out in April 2020, right when we had to endure the pandemic. So, it was not possible to promote the record live in the way it deserved. However, we used the time to work on our music and made the best out of it, so looking back, it wasn’t that bad.

What are your future plans?
Necromancer: Our plans include shredding some stages in Germany and possibly Europe again. We would love to play at bigger festivals and go on a club tour as well. Furthermore we will definitely return to the rehearsal bunker to write and record some new songs!

Aeon: Keep on exploring this vicious style of Music as far as we can and want to.

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Thank you very much for the interview. Keep supporting the underground! Cheers to everyone reading this and listening to our new album and supporting us! Hope to see you on the filthy battlefields of darkness very soon! Our next singles will be released on the 31.07. and the 28.08.!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.

'Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae'' album is out on 27th of September 2024. Order your copies here:








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