30 Aug
Interview with WRATHHAMMER


We had a conversation with Hardrocker. Enjoy!

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us when and why WRATHHAMMER was formed.
I formed Wräthhammer in early 2024, although I started writing the songs in 2023. As some musicians do, just listening to the music wasn't enough for me, i wanted to also make it. To show no-nonsense auditory aggression and to also fight on the side of true metal in this poser-infested metalcore cancer that is the Romanian metal scene.

You have recently released your EP ''Wräthhammer''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?
I received much more feedback and attention/publicity than i initially thought the project would attract, the feedback from Romania's metal maniacs, punkers and the all-around thrash scene was mostly positive and the constructive criticism was also greatly appreciated, as for press attention i got reviews for Wräthhammer on a couple review sites, most notably "The Mighty Decibel" which was awesome.

Are you in searching for a record label and what do you prefer label or DIY and why?
In the future I'm planning on finding a label related to the genre, but at the time its DIY OR DIE. Diy physical media makes for a direct, raw and unpolished image which is what I'm going for.

Is there any funny or weird story from the recordings that you would like to share with us?
I liked adding noises to the songs, such as hitting my bass on furniture while recording the intro to "Overdose In Hell" which at first i didn't realise but it fucked up the paint on it. I also recommend not drinking while recording parts, better while writing.

How difficult (or easy) is it for a musician to compose all the tracks by himself and what difficulties did you face during the recording of your first EP.
Whether its easy or not, I'd say it depends on how much of a perfectionist you are, you wont get shit done if you want it to be perfect, strive to get the point across instead, especially if you have a fixation on a specific idea and reject ones that would actually be even better just because you want to do it like you planned. Although its great that you get to use 100% your own ideas, its pretty angering to constantly shift between loving and hating what you write and sometimes having to re-write whole songs because you're not satisfied.

What bands have you been influenced by?
Toxic Holocaust, Deathhammer, Hellhammer, Gehennah, Speedtrap and Hellripper to name a few but I've taken inspiration for different elements of the project from different bands. Toxic Holocaust was my biggest inspiration though and its the band that drove me to make black thrash metal.

Tell us 10 Metal releases that have "entered" your blood.
Bütcher - 666 Goats Carry My Charriot; Deathhammer - Forever Ripping Fast; Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown; Midnight - Complete and Total Hell; Gehennah - Brilliant Loud Overlords of Destruction; Condor - Unstoppable Power; Abigail - Blasphemy Night; Antichrist Siege Machine - Purifying Blade; Wastëland Riders - Death Arrives; Destruction - Sentence of Death.

What do you think is the best way to promote a new Black/Speed Metal band and what do you think is the mistake that today's bands are making?
I think it all boils down to your sound and the theme you're trying to convey, your image as a band (stage presence, band photos, the impression you leave in the scene, and even album covers) is really important. As for publicity, i think its pretty easy to take care of it, as in publishing your music wherever you can. If you make good music and the band image is on point there's no chance you wont get recognition, and if you don't you're doing it wrong.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?
Other than Diavolos, Slaughtered Priest, Omega, Varathron, Ravencult and some other black metal bands not really. I used to listen to Rotting Christ's "Thy Mighty Contract" but the band has turned to shit in my opinion, it doesn't even sound like black metal anymore, just some watered-down melodic garbage.

The last 4 years, worldwide in the world, we have faced many dark, strange & new situations in our everyday life (covid, lock-down etc.) Did all of this affect you positively or negatively?
Not really, I think the lockdown did me more good than bad, it was around the time I got into metal and probably one of the most memorable times of my life since so many changes were happening in my life. Since I still went out with friends despite the lockdown I never really felt like the quarantine wasted my time, I met many people, and changed very much. Unfortunately I didn't know anything about making music, or even think that I'd ever be interested in doing it; I would've probably spent my free time way better.

Is there new material? What will we see and hear from WRATHHAMMER  in the near future?
I'm currently finishing writing a short 2-song demo, way more influenced by speed metal than the previous release and I've talked about a split with the maniacs of Vltra Maximazer. I wont release a full-length album in the near future but new stuff is definitely coming, and I'll probably publish the prototypes to the first set of songs as well, not as an actual release but just for shits and giggles.

Thank you very much for your time & keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Thank you for having me for the interview on this awesome zine, the interest is greatly appreciated and I'm glad I get to give some insight about Wräthhammer. POSERS FUKK OFF!! NON-ALCOHOLICS FUKK OFF!!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.





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